Sustainability Projects

In the past years, the United Mission Hospital has realized different projects to make the processes in the hospital more sustainable.

Lately they have been working on developing a system that treat the waste water that comes from the hospital as well as the surrounding village. Until now the waste water is disposed into a gulley, untreated.

Contaminated water
The waste water flows down the hill and contaminates the water used for the paddy fields. It flows to a nearby river, adding contamination to its source of life for the local community. This water causes water borne diseases, especially during the monsoon. The waste water is a health hazard to the, mostly poor, people living near the gulley.

Waste water project
The United Mission Tansen Hospital in Tansen has been treating sick people, rich and poor, for over 60 years now. As their main goal is to heal people, they want to reduce the risk of spreading diseases by their own waste water as soon as possible. Plans for a waste water plant have been made. The plant will collect all the waste water from the hospital, treat it and drain it into the same gulley that now is used for the contaminated water.

The hospital is for everyone in need of medical treatment. Fees are low, so anyone in need can be treated. Even those unable to afford it, because of a special budget for the poor. Therefore, the hospital does not have funds available to build the waste water plant.

If you would like to help the United Mission Hospital in Tansen to improve their waste water system and improve the health of many local people in the years to come, please donate.

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Copyright © Tansen Mission Hospital

Website By Adam Beattie